Old Varietal "Lao Shu Dian Hong" Feng Qing Black Tea
This is the original Feng Qing varietal black tea! The leaves are from old trees and bushes growing naturally ranging in age from 80-120 years of age! The varietal referred to locally in Feng Qing as "old varietal" (老品种) is an Assamica hybrid that was first hybridized in the 1880's, but lost favor over time to other higher yield and more drought resistant varietals.
This is a lovely wild and natural tasting Feng Qing wild black tea. Thick malt, honey and fruit abounds in this sweet and full-bodied black tea! It has to be experience to realize just how unique and delicious it is!
The cha qi is very strong in this tea!
Only 24 kilograms in total!
April Harvested Tea
Feng Qing County of Lincang (Yunnan Province)
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