2022 Cha Nong Hao "Double Power Tiger" Bulang Ripe Pu-erh Tea Cake
Another great ripe tea from Cha Nong Hao Brand! This one is aptly named "Double Power Tiger". We've taken some small liberties with the translation from the original Chinese name "如虎添翼", which means literally "Tigers with Wings". Tigers are already the among the two most powerful animals in the Chinese Zodiac, so the concept of a tiger with wings is meant to convey something ultra powerful.
The tea itself is ultra-tasty and smooth after many years of aging. It's a 2015 harvested tea from the Bulang mountains in Menghai that was wet-piled in Menghai and then aged in Menghai as well. Smooth, with chocolatey bittersweetness and a dark thick tea soup!
Very enjoyable semi-aged ripe that was pressed just this year!
7 Cakes per bamboo leaf tong
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