2015 Gao Jia Shan "Da Cang Jia" Wild Harvested Hunan Fu Brick Tea
Wild Grown tea leaves from Gao Jia Mountain. This is the original An Hua tea varietal thats has grown in the mountains of Gao Jia Shan and Yun Tai Shan for centuries (maybe longer). Gao Jia Shan is both a place and the name of the tea factory brand that produced this lovely tea. Gao Jia Shan as a producer doesn't have as long of a history as Yi Yang and Bai Sha Xi tea factories but nonetheless produces very high quality Fu Brick tea processed in the traditional manner.
"Da Cang Jia" (aka Big Collection for the Family) is a blend of leaves that come from both light wet piling and medium wet piling (shorter length of the time and longer length of time wet piling) which were then blended and pressed into a brick. After pressing the golden flowers flourish in the inner section of the brick where the conditions are just right to support them. After a few days the Golden Flowers have thrived and spread throughout the inner part of the bricks, and then the bricks are dried gradually using a temperature of 37C which preserves gradually halts the spread of the flowers without damaging them or the tea leaves.
This is among the most premium Gao Jian Shan productions ever. Limited to just 2000 bricks in total!
The taste is ultra smooth with a malty sweetness. It has a ultra thick tea soup and voluminous body that fills and stimulates the mouth and throat. This is an ultra-premium Fu Cha made from wild harvested tea leaves, and processed laboriously to achieve "Fu Cha Perfection"!
Spring 2015 harvested tea leaves
3 kilograms per brick
ALLERGEN ALERT!!! ** Because there is a possibility the golden flowers were inoculated using wheat flour we cannot guarantee this tea is safe for those with Celiac Disease or those that have severe gluten induced allergies **
Please read our terms before placing your order!