2014 Yunnan Sourcing Man Tang Hong 3 Ripe Pu-erh Tea Cake
Man Tang Hong series returns! In the tradition of Man Tang Hong #2, Gong Ting and Te Ji we bring you #3. This is from the same Lincang material and fermentation style as our previous releases, but this time it's entirely Grade 3 ripe leaf material from a 2012 fermentation batch. The tea is thick and creamy, filling the mouth and throat with a soothing taste and feeling. Camphor aroma with hints of raw pu-erh attest to it's relatively light fermentation style. Cha Qi is strong for a ripe pu-erh!
357 grams per cake, 7 cakes per bamboo leaf tong
This tea has been tested in a certified laboratory for 42 pesticides, and is within the EU MRL limits set for those 42 pesticide residues. For a full list of the 42 pesticides we tested for and more information about MRL testing and the EU Food and Safety commission click on this link.
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