2002 Chongqing Te Ji Tuo Cha Raw Pu-erh Tea
An unusual tea in terms of it's origins. Yunnan-grown pu-erh was pressed in Yunnan and then packaged and sold under the "Chongqing Tuo" Brand (a sub-brand of the CNNP Chongqing Branch).
The tea was aged in Chongqing for 4 years before being brought to Kunming and stored there. Overall, the taste is that of a semi-aged Kunming (dry) storage raw pu-erh. Compression of the tuo is medium-tight, but despite this the tea has an aged taste and aroma but does not sport a particularly dark tea soup.
The taste is smooth with little or no bitterness/astringency, instead it's sweet and spicy with a floral and fruit after-taste. Good body, rich and thick in the mouth.
100 Grams per tuo
2002 Pressing (no date stamp on wrapper though)
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