2010 Yunnan Sourcing "Autumn Jie Liang" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake
This tea cake is made entirely from Autumn 2010 Jie Liang Village tea! Jie Liang is a Bu Lang Mountain village about 10 miles west of Lao Man'e village in the county of Menghai. Jie Liang tea is also bitter but with a sweet and full after-taste and a protracted mouth-feeling. It is an incredibly energetic tea with tons of character and depth. This is a tea we are confident will age well!
Our Autumn production is entitled "Autumn Aroma" (秋香), each cake is stone-pressed by traditional method and dried with low temperature air drying. The cakes are then wrapped in special paper that is very thick and sturdy. Hand-Made by Dai minority families in Xishuangbanna! Each tong of 7 cakes is wrapped in bamboo leaf!
Harvest: October 2010
Pressing date: December 2010
Quantity: 160 cakes in total produced (65 kg)
Area: Jie Liang village of Bu Lang mountains, Menghai county of Xishuangbanna
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